Adafruit FT232H Breakout - General Purpose USB to GPIO+SPI+I2C

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£14.95 £12.46

Adafruit FT232H Breakout - General Purpose USB to GPIO+SPI+I2C

Wouldn't it be cool to control something or just flash some LEDs directly from your computer?  You can program a microcontroller to talk to these devices and your computer, but why can't your computer just talk to those devices and sensors itself?  Well, now your computer can talk to devices using the Adafruit FT232H breakout board!

The FT232H chip from FTDI is similar to their USB to serial converter chips but adds a 'multi-protocol synchronous serial engine' which allows it to speak many common protocols like SPI, I2C, serial UART, JTAG, and more!  There's even a handful of digital GPIO pins that you can read and write to do things like flash LEDs, read switches or buttons, and more.

This breakout has an FT232H chip and an EEPROM for onboard configuration.

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